Pune, March 4, 2022 (Checkmate Times): On the occasion of International Women's Day, we are seeing and experiencing programs for women all over the world. However, while only women are given a place of honor and respect in this, neither the complete man nor the complete woman, Ardhanari Nateshwar, i.e. those who are tertiary, consider men as women, while women consider them to be men. However, in this dilemma, he does not see society as a human being. Some use them, use them for unwanted acts, or treat third parties in the same way that some see women as consumables. In fact, they are subjected to various forms of sexual harassment, sexual harassment and rape. However, like women, they do not get justice as they are not protected by law. We have tried to give justice to Chandni Gore, a third party, on the occasion of Women's Day. This is our attempt to bring their dark side to light, if you like it, please like and share.
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